cheap 3d printing

FDM is the most widely available form of 3D printing. FDM is great for producing models and mock-ups for your designs. Verify your CAD models quickly and easily with a wide range of materials.

We employ industrial-grade FDM printers to give you exceptional results on time.

Once the entire model is finished and prepared for clean-up and support removal, FDM machines deposit a thermoplastic filament through a heated nozzle onto a build plate one layer at a time.

FDM capabilities

Requirement Specification
Maximum build Volume (Single Build) 520 x 345 x 650 mm
(Parts shall be split, Printed separately and fused together to form much larger volumes)
Standard lead time 2-3 business days
Dimensional accuracy ± 0.3 mm
Layer height 100-300 μm
Infill density 30-100%

Why Choose FDM for your 3D Printing Project?


Polylatic Acid

( Polylatic Acid )

  • PLA is a renewable bio-plastic made from corn starch.
  • Affordable, rigid and fast to produce
  • Good for large scale printing
  • Easy design verification and quick prototype
Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene

(Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene )

  • Create a wide range of items from tools to toys
  • Excellent strength
  • Easy design verification and quick prototypes
Thermoplastic Polyurethane

Flexible TPU
( Thermoplastic Polyurethane )

  • TPU rubber based.
  • Very flexible and elastic.
  • Shore A Hardness at 95A.

Design guidelines for FDM

The table below summarizes the recommended and technically feasible values for the most common features encountered in 3D printed parts

Feature Recommended size
Unsupported walls 1.0 – 2.0 mm
Supported walls 1.0 – 2.0 mm
Minimum feature size 1.0 mm
Minimum hole diameter 2.0 mm

Colour Options

White, Black, Silver, Red, Blue, Yellow, Orange, Green

Infill Density options

10% – Extremely light, Only for light demonstration.
30% – Light, Low to moderate strength.
50% –  Moderate Strength, Limited Fit & Function
>75% – Good Strength, Best suitable for Fit & Function

FDM: Building the World, One Layer at a Time.