3D printed face shield & protected face mask manufacturers in Coimbatore

It is open source design – Courtesy- Prusa Research

3d printed face shields

Everyone knows this is most critical period and we have to give more respect to all heath care workers. In order to protect their heath from corona virus we provide 3d printed face shields and face masks in Coimbatore and Tirupur. It is our community driven effort to help heath care professionals in Coimbatore &Tirupur.

It is protective face shield which helps to protect them from Covid -19. We manufacture these face shields which can be help not only health professional and also nursing homes, dentist, police officers, fireman, grocery store staffs. We take bulk orders and supply face shields and face masks.

It is really helpful for medical personnel in current pandemic situation. We have quickly developed 3d printed face shields and face masks to produce quickly.

How it works?

We follow recommended guidelines from prusa

If you are still need of 3D printed protection shields?


Reusable 3d Printed face masks & shields

Rapid 3D Technologies developed in collaboration with medical professionals the mask prototype use in clinical types. Our 3d printed masks are durable, reusable and mechanical barrier. These 3d printed masks are product you from spreading of corona virus. Be Safe!

Producing 3d Printed Face Shields On Demand

Our on demand team of Rapid 3D technologies produced 50+ sets of face shields and masks for medical personnel in order to protect them because they are the human gods as of now. Rapid spread of covid -19 has put many health care providers under great strain as they provide their exemplary work and care on covid-19 affected patients. It’s the time to us to provide the better solution so that we come forward and help them.

Support for Medical Face Mask Manufacturers

We are committed to supporting medical device manufacturers with 3D printed components in either plastic or metal materials to help ease supply chain issues for critical care devices such as face shields and 3D printed face masks. We produce curved plastic suspended in front of the wearer’s face by a headband. It helps to stop bodily fluids and droplets from covid 19 positive patients.

If you are still need of 3D printed protection shields?